• Color Poem - Red Yellow Blue
  • Detail
  • Detail
  • Detail
  • TitleColor Poem - Red Yellow Blue
  • Author Robert Lax  
  • Year 1991
  • Manufacturer Edizioni Factotum-Art, Verona
  • Classification Textiles
  • Dimensions Height: 152 cm Width: 128 cm
  • Edition 42/50
  • Medium Silkscreen on cloth
Silkscreen on cloth signed and numbered. "Ed Rice, Richard Kostelanetz, Mark Van Doren, and Jack Kerouac, were also friends of Lax’s, remembering him as a pensive mentor and poet of exceptional sensitivity. After graduating in 1938, Lax first worked as an editor, later turning to teaching, charity, and writing screenplays. Converting from Judaism to Christianity in 1943, Lax began to search for a more authentic and humbler dimension of living. He first moved to Canada, following the Cristiani Brothers circus troupe, often participating as a juggler. Lax moved to Greece in the 1960 eventually settling on the island of Patmos in peaceful solitude and spiritual clarity. Lax’s poetry gradually became more minimal, presenting a few words and their variations in a narrow vertical column down the page, as in 33 Poems (1988). His work was consequently placed alongside concrete poetry, and he subsequently became recognized as one of its leading exponents. Embracing a contemplative life uninterested in career and notoriety, most of Lax’s compositions remain unpublished today." - Edizioni Conz, "Robert Lax"
Sitography: ARCHIVIO CONZ, "Color Poem - Red Yellow Blue", www.archivioconz.com

EDIZIONI CONZ, "Robert Lax", www.edizioniconz.com

LAX, Robert, “A Reaching Beyond: Robert Lax Explains His Color Poems", www.robertlax.com