• The light fantastic toe
  • TitoloThe light fantastic toe
  • Autore Tom Pnini  
  • Anno 2015
  • Classificazione Video art
  • Durata 00:05:43
  • Edizione 4/5
  • Materiale video
from the artist website: The Light Fantastic Toe presents the five minutes leading up to a stereoscopic portrait of a family. The family is taking the portrait just before the patriarch leaves to join the Union army. The video begins with what, ostensibly, appears to be a split screen; however, it is actually a double set with one built next to the other creating the illusion of a stereoscopic image. While a traditional stereoscopic image employs a dual lens to create two similar frames, in my video, I remove this second lens and duplicate the actual scene in real life: identical twins play two separate roles, acting in the two identical sets, which themselves are replicas of a 1860’s New York apartment The portrait becomes no longer of one family, but it is in fact of two families—identical and different. Each family poses in front of a similar path, a similar destiny, the prospect of war. As the click of the camera captures an image for eternity, so it records the possibility of death.
LOOP, Barcelona, 2015