• RATIO 3, 28E06

    Photo: Francesco Tampieri

  • TitoloRATIO 3, 28E06
  • Autore Michele Spanghero  
  • Anno 2012
  • Classificazione Sound art
  • Dimensioni Height: 9 cm Width: 8.5 cm Depth: 8.5 cm
  • Durata 00:09:00
  • Edizione 1/1 + 1 ap
  • Materiale chromed iron capsule, engraving, loudspeaker, cable, shelf, audio system
from the site by the artist: In the series of sound sculptures Ratio the acoustic resonance of empty spaces (empty auditoriums) is reproduced and compressed within small metal capsules on which are engraved the compression ratios between the volume of the recorded rooms and that of the sculptures.
Ritornello, Il Cairo, March 2015
Oberrauch, K., 2015: Ritornello. Little return, Darb 1718, Cairo